The Notebook
Any girl worth her salt will tell you (via unabashed gushing or begrudgingly) that this kiss? The one in the rain with the Gosling and the undying love? This is where it's at.
Gone With The Wind
Ugh. Ashley is stupid. Oh, Rhett you tragic, dashing so-and-so.
The Quiet Man

This movie is chicken soup for my soul. It is many things: a great romance, a love letter to a beautiful country, hilarious, and just...I love it. If you haven't seen it - go. Now. Stop reading this. I'll wait. Watch two of the greatest kisses in cinematic history here and here.
Breakfast at Tiffanys
How many people in this world keep running in to themselves? Audrey was lucky enough to find George Peppard. And her Cat.
This is the kiss that skillfully (I mean, Hitchcock) and sexily avoided all those pesky Hollywood codes restricting the amount of time people could be shown locking lips. And you really couldn't ask for two more gorgeous participants in a kiss.
The Godfather: Part II
Ok, ok. This one is not romantic in any sense, but it sure as hell is memorable. Oh, Fredo you heartbreaker, you.
Lady and The Tramp
Who would have thought that a spaghetti-laden kiss between canines would become so very iconic?
It's a Wonderful Life
You hear him? No ground floors!
A good kiss should make you feel like you're flying anyways, so I suppose Jack is tipping the scales a bit in his favor.
Sixteen Candles
Sixteen Candles - Final Scene - Movie Ending. Watch more top selected videos about: Sixteen Candles, Molly Ringwald
I will admit I'm always worried that that 80's poof of a dress will catch fire and engulf the beautiful, no-way-a-real-guy-will-ever-be-like-this Jake Ryan. Oh yeah and I'm also worried for Molly Ringwald's safety. I guess.
The Princess Bride
If Peter Falk narrated every single one of my kisses from now on, I would die a happy gal.
Brokeback Mountain
Words fail me. The emotion behind this kiss (or, well, series of kisses) is heightened by the impossibility of it all.
From Here to Eternity
How many parodies of this scene have there been? Too many to count, for sure. But nothing beats the original, and nothing beats Burt & Deborah going at it in the surf.
Tell me in the comments if I missed any of your favorite ones!
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