Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! In addition to being full of (delicious delicious) food, I'm also full to bursting with thanks. As is appropriate at this holiday and in light of a tumultuous year, I think it's only fitting that my next post should celebrate those things for which I am most thankful. And I gotta tell you, this year's list is a doozy.
As I may have mentioned before, there was a period of about a month this year where I was significantly homeless. However, thanks to diligence and sheer dumb luck, I've now been living in my first big girl apartment! This is a twofer "thanks" because in addition to being thankful for my apartment (and the potential to decorate and, well, NEST), I'm crazy thankful for my (amazing, talented) friends who put me up (and put up with me) during those weeks. I'd like to say that I don't know where I'd be without them, but I'm pretty sure I'd be on the streets. So thank you Apartment #15 and thank you friends!

Well, come on. This should go without saying. My family got me where I am today, and are the reason I'm still going. I love those silly bastards more and more every day.
Because apparently I'm as frail as a Mrs. Haversham [though could we argue she's quite hardy? An argument for another time (nerd jokes rule.)] and I see the sun even less - but thanks to modern medicine I can finally function.
With all the commuting I do now in my urban setting, I'm thankful now more than ever for good books. This year I got to dig into some new favorites, including Let The Great World Spin by Colum McCann, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz, and Divisadero by Michael Ondaatje. Yes, ok, I'm behind several eight balls on all of those, but whatever. At least I'm reading them now. I'm starting The Hunger Games series now and I must say, having a good (or at least entertaining) book to slip into on the subway makes for an almost enjoyable ride to work.
Real Good Websites

Thank goodness for sites like Flavorwire and HelloGiggles. I don't know how I would make it through the day without articles like "Hilariously 'Ugly Renaissance Babies'" or "Guys, I Have Brain Tumors" or "TV Characters and Their Literary Counterparts". They also give me little drops of inspiration every day, so I'm definitely glad these sites exist. Keep up the good work, guys (and ladies).

New shows like Pan Am and American Horror Story (two wildly different shows, by the by...what does this say about me that I enjoy them both equally?) make my week so very bearable. I'm so glad that new shows like this are getting made and seem to be thriving, especially in the face of what seems like a an explosion of crappy reality fluff.

Damn if I don’t love her. And not only her, but the fact that a strong female voice got the recognition that it deserved this year. That someone who said: "I love seeing Katy Perry’s boobs and bum. Love it. But that’s not what my music is about. I don’t make music for eyes. I make music for ears" is the same person whose songs my small cousins will spontaneously bust out for no reason other than they like her music. Oh, thank you thank you for Adele.

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