A very pensive Simon & Garfunkel

Paul is sad.

The Queen of Soul. And Attitude.

Are You Experienced (at photography)?
This is the way my mind works. I see something, or hear something, and that will lead to much more pondering and thinking and eventually I'll end up somewhere entirely different. Perfect example: the other day I was driving along, thinking about Ming Tsai (who I had went to go speak/cook at my old high school the night before and who is probably one of the cooler people I've ever been three rows away from...but more on that later) and some how I ended up jumping from him to Paul and Linda McCartney. Don't ask me how. It's like six degrees of Kevin Bacon in my head
all the time.
But so here I am, putting along in my little car thinking to myself how very sad it was that Paul lost Linda, and lost altogether as to how I arrived at this subject. Well, imagine my surprise when, the other day I happen upon
Linda McCartney's Sixties: Portrait of an Era. What an incredible book. What an incredible life! Not only did Linda McCartney get to photograph some of the most influential artists of the era, but she also got to marry, have a family with, and truly love one of them. I know I tend to have a tendency to get all sappy on the subject of love, but hey. You gotta have some kind of faith, right?

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