I'll admit it. I love Kate Spade. Yes, the bags and the shoes and jewelry, clothes and housewares are all...painfully fabulous. But what I really love is Kate's world. A world in which color and glamour and pretty things rule. Ultimate girliness - but not in that creepy, infantile way - it's girly but womanly. You put on something from Kate Spade and you feel...powerful.

Not to mention that Kate Spade's book, Occasions, made me - for a while - seriously consider becoming a professional event planner. Alas, I've settled for the occasional failed theme party. However, I still have wild aspirations to someday be so aesthetically capable as Ms. Spade.

So in honor of that most unholy of unholy days (Valentine's Day) I figured I'd also share B Mine - a collection of Valentine's e-cards, as designed by "friends of Kate Spade". Check them out! Your Valentine (or friend, sister, mother, coworker, co-commiserator in the black hole of commercialism, contempt and saturated fat that is this 'holiday', to whom you may be better off sending these). Their adorable designs make it all ok.

Lauren Hasting's design

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