Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hot Town


Summer in the city. Is there anything stickier and sweatier than a day over 90 in New York? The answer is, of course, no. No, there is not. Especially not when you live on the top floor of a 5-floor walk-up sans-air conditioner. But, everyone has their own coping method. The very wealthy head for the coast. The some-what wealthy brave the wilds of extreme electric bills and rely on our friend the air conditioner. Seeing as how I don't fall within either of those categories, I must now rely on my creativity. So how is a girl to remain cool, calm and collected without blowing all her hard-earned cash?

Arm yourself with boozy popsicles and minimal clothing and get thee to a rooftop! Naturally.

Load Up

Dirty Pirate Popsicles from Endless Simmer
These Dirty Pirate popsicles are a delicious blend of spiced rum, Kahlua and Coca-Cola. What's better than staying cool and day drinking? The answer is nothing.

Cherry Apple Whiskey Sour Popsicles from Endless Simmer
Kahlua and Coke not your thing? Try these Cherry Apple Whiskey Sour pops as a tart and fruity alternative.

ONYX Stainless Steel Popsicle Mold
You can't very well make popsicles without a mold of some kind. Sleekly designed, these minimalist pop molds are BPA-Free and are (almost) cool enough to freeze your treats without the aid of a freezer.

Gear Up

Tattly Temporary Tattoos - Popsicles
Give a shout-out to the summers of your youth with these whimsically designed temporary tattoos by Tattly.

ASOS Florial Print Sweetheart Neck Bandeau Suit
The cute print and bright tangerine color of this one-piece are great for disguising the inevitable stains from melty pops, while the sweetheart top flatters all shapes.

ASOS Simple Full Skirt With Paperbag Waist
If you find that you must absolutely, positively need need need to leave the comfort of a breezy rooftop to rejoin the living, just throw this simple navy skirt over your bathing suit for a completely adorable (and appropriate) outfit.

Lay Out
Woven Beach Hat from C.Wonder
Generally speaking where there's heat, there's sun. And where there's sun, there are harmful UV/UVB rays. Cover up that pretty face with this adorable straw hat from C.Wonder.

Aveeno Natural Protection Sunblock Lotion with SPF 30
This natural Aveeno sunscreen is fragrance-free and waterproof and is gentle enough for the most sensitive skin. Slather and repeat.

Chevron Beach Towel
Protect your precious little bottom from the concrete roof (and the bird poop covering it) with this adorable chevron towel. BONUS: it's only $15! Just make sure to wash it after use...

Deck it Out

Popsicle Lights by Kurt S. Adler
Should you decide to keep this lounging about going all night, you're going to need to illuminate your surroundings. String up these adorable popsicle lights and keep the party going like Lionel Richie. All night long.

Weber Smokey Joe Grill
 It's too hot to even think about turning on the stove in your apartment. And forget about the oven - you already live in one. Drag this puppy out to the open air and throw some marinated chicken, steaks, heck, even fruit for sustenance.

UFO Kiddie Splash Pool
Ok, seriously I might buy this. Actual product description: "UFO Sprayer revolves around, spraying water, when hooked up to a garden hose". I rest my case.

How do you keep your cool in heat? Share your tips and favorites in the comments!

But Wait!

There's more! Stay tuned for music recommendations from guest blogger/co-conspirator Elizabeth Cooper-Mullin.

(She's famous, dontchaknow)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Favorite Shows of the 2011-12 Season

While I consider myself a mildly intelligent, literate human being with much to offer the world with opinions, hopes and dreams, etc., etc. -  but damn I loves me some television. I honestly don't understand how you can't. There's nothing quite like coming home from a long day of work and catching an episode of Jeopardy! or...coming home from an even longer day of work to crawl in to bed with some Netflix. This past year has given us some truly truly excellent television - both well-established dramas and comedies and new, vibrant shows. Here are some of my favorites (and, yeah there's a lot of them. Deal):

Oh god damn. This has pretty much everything I can possibly demand from anything: British men, excellent acting, a dude named Benedict Cumberbatch, a delightfully evil villain, and...British men. Given to us by the gods of BBC, Sherlock saw its second season this past year and left me NEEDING, physically needing, the third season. Now. Now please.

Best Friends Forever (RIP(?!))
I can't even with this. If you haven't seen BFF, (which, I'm guessing you haven't seeing as how NBC cancelled it (yet renewed Whitney. There is no god.)) get thee to a computer. Created by, written by and starring Lennon Parham and Jessica St. Clair, this comedy is both genius and an accurate portrayal of female friendship. Think Bridesmaids but y'know, on the tv. And without Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph & co. I'm actually still in mourning of its short life so it's hard to really talk about, but hope springs eternal.

If you're not watching this show, well, I just don't know if we can be friends. I don't think I'm being dramatic when I say that years and years from now humanity will look back be all "Louie is a national treasure" and then Nic Cage will show up and be like "That's high praise." Louie is equal parts laugh-til-you're-in-actual-physical-pain funny and incredibly poignant and heartbreaking and smart.

I promise you this show is not about a woman in ill-fitting pants (seriously, Kerry. They're called "tailors"). This new Shonda Rhimes-helmed political drama had me hooked by the first episode. It's a scosh melodramatic, but it's lots of fun to watch pretty people maneuver the shark-infested waters of D.C. political intrigue.

RIP, Starburns. Community is an interesting show. It started out as something almost entirely different (though equally hilarious) than what it is now to become the meta-est of meta shows - self-aware without being pander-y (in fact, part of why it might be having trouble finding a strong foothold with its network is probably Harmon & Co.'s unwillingness to pander. There's no Big Romance a la The Office's Jim & Pam, the plotlines are disjointed and weird) but my god how is it possible that one show can have so many laughs? This season saw the genius that was the Ken Burns-esque docu-episode, "Pillows and Blankets" and the Law and Order-Themed "Basic Lupine Urology".

Parks & Recreation
The funniest comedy with the biggest heart, this year Parks & Rec saw one of its (in my opinion) greatest seasons as Leslie made her run for City Counsel. I can't imagine one person alive who wouldn't vote Knope 2012.

Mad Men
Gah! So much has happened this season I can barely contain myself. While discussing it with a coworker who admitted that this is the first season she's watched in real time (as opposed to Netflix-ing), and how she's been so wildly impressed with the pace. It's true that it seems more has happened in Season 5 of Mad Men, while the past few seasons have been incredibly taut, well-acted and directed, intense observances as opposed to actions. I'm on pins and needles for the finale.

Breaking Bad
Four words: "I am the danger."

Game of Thrones
Mmmm Robb Stark. Can't. Keep. Typing. His eyes. Too. Distracting. The King in the North!

New Girl

I'll admit - I was wary of New Girl when it first started out. I had always liked Zooey Deschanel, but as soon as I heard the word "adorkable" I wanted to tap out. Thankfully, though, the show really came in to its own when the focus shifted a bit off of Jess and out towards her lovably ridiculous roommates. Any show that is home to Jake Johnson is a show I can really get behind. And Drunk Nick Miller might, honestly be one of my favorite things ever in the world.

Happy Endings

When Happy Endings first came on the air, there were lots of murmurs that it was trying to be another Friends, that it was relying on that well-farmed formula of six twenty-somethings in the city trying to have it all, etc. etc.And while it shares the same framework, Friends it is not. While I will always always love me some Monica & Chandler goodness, they can't hold a candle to Brad and Jane's epic weird yet perfect marriage. And all of Joey's dumb-guy antics pale in comparison to the commitment-phobe, epic slacker that is Max. Well done, David Caspe. Well done.

Runners Up:
Downton Abbey
American Horror Story