So upon re-reading my last post, I saw that I had briefly spewed some sort of vague, late-90's feminist slogan in half-jest. This got me thinking...
I am a fairly fierce feminist. I don't try to hide it. I don't think I should. I believe that in today's day and age, if you're not honestly a feminist...well, you're retarded (I mean that in the simplest, most semantic sense of the word). For some reason when most people hear the word "feminist" they cringe at the image of snarling, Lillith-fair attending, bra-burning, man-hating, surly women talking about "Society" and "Repression".
Feminism, again, in the simplest, most semantic sense of the word (hey...so I like etymology. Shoot me - I was an English major), is purely the idea that women have just as much to offer society (scarequotes removed) as any other gender. What an utterly scandalous notion! Preposterous!
Perhaps it was just the home I was raised in - a strong tradition of even stronger women on both sides -or the fact that I was raised in the 90s and early Aughts, but I'm proud of my hippie-dippy stance on gender equality.
Thusly, I would like to introduce my soon-to-be-annual Baller Women of the Year. Here they are in no particular order!
Drew Barrymore
Reasons for Ballertude:1.) Won the Golden Globe and the SAG award for playing Little Edie in Grey Gardens. Holy transformation.
2.) Is an Ambassador Against Hunger for the United Nations World Food Programme
3.) Other than being a very well-known actress, she is also a mega-producer with Flower Films - a company she founded.
4.) Has announced that she has an interest in branching out in to photography, and that she'll be putting out a book soon.
Nicole Richie
Ok, this is a weird one for those who know me. I generally despise and loathe with all my heart anyone and everyone that has to do with reality television. I mean...despise. Like work-myself-into-a-unnecessary-tizzy-about-how-this-is-what's-wrong-with-the-world despise. But, if my inclusion of Drew Barrymore (a former 14-year-old rehabee who has thusly turned her life around) in this list is any indication, I'm totally down with the ladies who get their act together. Anyways.
Reasons for Ballertude:
1.) House of Harlow 1960 - Miss Richie's line of accessories, jewelry and shoes that won her the title of Entrepreneur of the Year by Glamour Magazine. She also designs Winter Kate, named after her daughter Harlow's (as in House of) two middle names.
2.) The Richie-Madden Children's Foundation, a charity that she and her hubs founded that recently opened up a playground in LA to encourage kids to get out and play this February.
3.) She is a board member on the Environmental Media Association, an organization that mobilizes the entertainment industry to bring global attention to certain environmental concerns.
4.) She has written two (if semi-trashy...) novels - one of which was a New York Times Bestseller.
Anna Dello Russo

Reasons for Ballertude:
1.) Fashion Director-at-Large for Vogue Nippon
2.) Her epic blog, which brings her bubbly, passionate and yet approachable sense of fashion to the masses. And she released this year her adorably packaged Beyond perfume
3.) She has her own apartment for her clothes. I'm sorry maybe you didn't understand me.
She has her own apartment for her clothes. (please disregard the insanely creepy
4.) She has potentially changed the face of fashion - and cites my next nominee as a hero.
Lady Gaga

Another weird one, for those who know me. But say what you will about the Lady, she's pretty baller.
Reasons for Ballertude:
1.) Ranked as one of Forbes' Highest-Earning performers of the year, with The Fame Monster ranking #1 worldwide for records sold.
2.) Her efforts for gay advocacy is just this shy of heroic. This is a woman who is dedicated to her "monsters". She has cited her gay fan base as her biggest supporters, and that, as well as her own admitted bisexuality has driven her to lead an admirable effort on behalf of Gay Rights.
3.) The Meat Dress. Ok. I don't advocate the wearing of meat. I very much am icked out. However, what I am for is the fact that she got people talking. I'm stiiilll a little fuzzy on how a Meat Dress is a statement on Don't Ask Don't Tell...but I'm flexible. I must say, Seth Meyers said it best when he stated: "It's kind of hard to be the girl in the meat dress on Sunday and the voice of reason on Tuesday", but somehow she's doing it?
4.) The Gaga Zeitgeist has so profoundly penetrated our culture, USC is offering a course entitled: "Lady Gaga & The Sociology of Fame". Seriously.

Reasons for Ballertude:
1.) Ranked as one of Forbes' Highest-Earning performers of the year, with The Fame Monster ranking #1 worldwide for records sold.
2.) Her efforts for gay advocacy is just this shy of heroic. This is a woman who is dedicated to her "monsters". She has cited her gay fan base as her biggest supporters, and that, as well as her own admitted bisexuality has driven her to lead an admirable effort on behalf of Gay Rights.
3.) The Meat Dress. Ok. I don't advocate the wearing of meat. I very much am icked out. However, what I am for is the fact that she got people talking. I'm stiiilll a little fuzzy on how a Meat Dress is a statement on Don't Ask Don't Tell...but I'm flexible. I must say, Seth Meyers said it best when he stated: "It's kind of hard to be the girl in the meat dress on Sunday and the voice of reason on Tuesday", but somehow she's doing it?
4.) The Gaga Zeitgeist has so profoundly penetrated our culture, USC is offering a course entitled: "Lady Gaga & The Sociology of Fame". Seriously.
Dr. Hawa Abdi and Her Daughters

Reasons for Amazing:
1.) These women defy all superlatives. I actually and literally don't have words for what these women have done - what they continue to do. And I realize that it's ridiculous for me to have Lady Gaga and these women on the same list...but...it's my blog.
2.) Dr. Hawa Abdi was Somalia's first female gynecologist, and with her success she bought for herself and her family a farm of several hundred acres. Amidst civil war, Abdi has been successful in harboring almost 100,000 refugees, giving them (mostly women and children) a place to learn, farm, raise their families, and even train as physicians.
3.) Earlier this year, Al-Qaeda-funded terrorists, stormed her camp and held them hostage for a week. Her strength and bravery, along with heavy protests from the UN, eventually forced out the militants.
More on Dr. Abdi and her daughters here.
Runners Up:
Kathryn Bigelow - for breaking the glass ceiling for women directors everywhere - and for sticking it to her ex in the process with class.
Kate Middleton - must I explain?
Sandra Bullock & Elin Nordegren - for dealing with a very personal and painful situation with quiet grace and dignity.
So those are my ladies. Let me know what you think!
1.) These women defy all superlatives. I actually and literally don't have words for what these women have done - what they continue to do. And I realize that it's ridiculous for me to have Lady Gaga and these women on the same list...but...it's my blog.
2.) Dr. Hawa Abdi was Somalia's first female gynecologist, and with her success she bought for herself and her family a farm of several hundred acres. Amidst civil war, Abdi has been successful in harboring almost 100,000 refugees, giving them (mostly women and children) a place to learn, farm, raise their families, and even train as physicians.
3.) Earlier this year, Al-Qaeda-funded terrorists, stormed her camp and held them hostage for a week. Her strength and bravery, along with heavy protests from the UN, eventually forced out the militants.
More on Dr. Abdi and her daughters here.
Runners Up:
Kathryn Bigelow - for breaking the glass ceiling for women directors everywhere - and for sticking it to her ex in the process with class.
Kate Middleton - must I explain?
Sandra Bullock & Elin Nordegren - for dealing with a very personal and painful situation with quiet grace and dignity.
So those are my ladies. Let me know what you think!